I haven't been able to make homemade bread for a couple of months now, and only non-tempermental oven items for dinner. You see, my stove has been acting funky. I looked at online forums for Whirlpool stoves and figured it was the fuse in the back because the oven completely turns off when you heat it above 350 degrees, or it just gets tired of cooking your stuff.If I was baking anything, I pretty much had to plant myself in the kitchen and watch the stove, to make sure it didn't go off. Soooooo Annoying! When ordering the fuse, I found that it was discontinued by the manufacturer. nice. The only other option was that it was the $200 control panel. For that price, I'd rather apply it to a new stove- maybe even a gas range with continuous grates and convection heating.So on to range shopping. I picked out the perfect gas range and was getting a spankin' deal since it was before Thanksgiving. I got the specs to Dear Hubby and wouldn't you know it, the gas range would be too much for our gas line given the gas furnace and water heater. To expand the line would require a ditch and something about ripping into the sheetrock of our newly-remodeled basement. ugh.So I was back to a new stove, or fixing the stove. I got a new control panel from my favorite fix-it-yourself online store.The instructions on the panel said to touch metal while handling the part to avoid static electricity and ruining the shock-sensitive part. Both hands were busy, so this is how I grounded myself.
Here is the back opened and the finished product. 
As you can see, the old control panel was black, and the new white one is funky. The manufacturer has discontinued the black control panel for this stove, but not the white one which is insane to me.
The price of the part was more of a headache than the labor. But my stove works and I can cook without babysitting the stove too. As a matter of fact, my cookies are done. Gotta run.
Dear hubby has been working crazy hours, long hours, stressful hours. As soon as he gets home he heads to the back yard.
A few months ago, we got the dog trained to go to the bathroom behind the shed. She was doing great until it snowed. Now she goes behind the shed AND all over the snow. When the snow starts to melt, she tapers back her poop area to just where the snow is. Weird.
So, hubby has been spending training time with her before she eats. Then after she eats, he takes her for a run and gets her to go in the right place. All told, it takes about an hour of his time each night/early morning.
When he came in last night, I nonchalantly asked, "So....if I poop on the lawn, will you start paying attention to ME?"
I was trying to bribe the Dear Hubby to drop his work and come home before 7:00, so I sent this text: "I'm waiting, for the one I love, to find me, today."
(You know, from Snow White.)
A minute later a get a response. Thinking I'd get the standard, "gotcha- I'm hurrying :)", or "I'm on my way", I flip open my phone to this:
"Today!!!!!!!!! Loud bass voice, not a good one, but LOUD!"
In case you haven't watched Snow White lately, she sings the "I'm waiting" song and is surprised by the prince who sings "Today!!!!"
Aw, I guess I married a prince.